Sunday, August 22, 2010

Skeins of Hope

Recently, some family friends came to visit. They live in the United States, but run a program that takes place in Kenya. They alternate living between the two. The program is called Hope Ministries. With the help of many, they were able to fund a school, a pump and a well, and a prayer center. But when they were visiting, we began to talk, and I said I knit. Well.... Eventually it led into the creation of: PROJECT SKEINS OF HOPE. Skeins of Hope is a project that will take place now to the begginning of December. The whole idea behind it is too knit as many child and infant hats as my group can until than. They asked that the child hats have earflaps and an i-chord attached to it to keep the ears warm, and so they can tie the i-chords together to keep them on. I am soo excited an cannot wait to buy yarn =) Please give my feedback (Anna) on what you think! - KG =)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Thing Down, A Billion More To Go

Oh where, oh where, could my camera cord be? Oh where, oh where could it be??? I don't know, I've looked everywhere for it twice!!!! I finished the body to my grumpasaurus, and I sewed the eyes, mouth and tail on! It is sooo darn cute! I am trying to post pictures, but I can't find my camera cord anywheres, and its driving me bananas. I'm so sorry, I will post pics as soon as I find that darn cord.... - A Very Annoyed KG

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I've been really grateful to finish my grumpasaurus, and I couldnt have done it with out the help of some really awesome people. A special shout out goes to the Yarn Club, ran by my best friend's family. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! If it weren't for yarn club, I would be lost. You guys rock! I love going and getting to knit with you. The future looks bright with many, many more projects ahead - KG =)

Miniscule Update =D

If you noticed..... I changed the name of my blog! As I posted in my "Halfway There" post, I said that the power was out for a long time due to a really damaging but unexpected thunder storm. I got so bored living in the stone ages, that I began to think. Knitters Works is a boring name, so I changed it to diamonds & purls. You know, like pearls, but not. The same but its different =D Please comment and let me know what you think! YOU ROCK! - KG =D


As you lovely blog followers know, I have been knitting the grumpasaurus. Well....... *drumroll* I COMPLETED HIS BODY!!! YAY!!! Yep, its true!!!! I now start on his tail! Soon (hopefully very soon) I will have it done!!!! Sorry I havent posted pictures, my powers been out for like three days, and I kind of forgot. But I promise I will be posting some very soon! - KG =)