Friday, December 17, 2010

Danielle's Hat

So here are some pictures of Danielle's hat. I really love the colors in it. Im so sorry about the quality, I took them with my cellular :). Enjoy- Han

I Love Those J-I-N-G-L-E Bells

Hey fellow fleet of bloggasauruses, I totally spelled that wrong :)! Anyways, I finished my gift exchange.. sort of! I am still working on Aubrey & Danielle's dinosaurs, but I completed my whole Christmas list otherwise! My secret santa girl was Aubrey, just incase if your wondering who she is. And Danielle was our field commander. I was Cassidy's secret santa, and she knitted me the darn cutest owl on the face of the whole brickin earth. It is probaly the cutest thing I've ever seen knitted. Anyways, I will try to post pictures of my finished projects soon! Merry Christmas- Han :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Boulevard of Broken Promises

Hey Guyys! I haven't posted in a while... but, but, but! I am currently attempting Christmas Knitting projects. The hats were successfully knitted and delivered, and the people are actually in Kenya right now :) It feels so good to do something for others. I like this feeling :) Anyways I finished my hat for Danielle (our field commander/drum major in band) It's really cute too. I'll try to take a picture with my phone of it. I am currently working on the Jane's hat, (the other piccolo from band, I was a piccolo too:), I twisted a stitch so I'm trying to fix it. I have one project down, three more to go. I have Janes hat, a secret santa gift, and Danielle's dinosaur. I'm knitting a blue and pink varigated dinosaur for my secret santa. I'm also knitting Danielle a magenta dinosaur for Christmas too. I just love the holiday season :) - KG or a.k.a Han

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Story of My Knitting Life Explanation

Hey Fellow bloggers, sorry I havent been able to update my blogs for a month and sixteen days (not that I was counting ;D). Marching band has eaten my life up. There are two weeks left for my first season. Then my life comes to a complete halt, giving me the free time I havent been able to grasp since June. Seriously, we started July 4th, and we will end November 1st. So I'm dusting off my blogs and getting jiggy with it. I finished to purple dinosaur. My camera cord is still MIA, but let me say so myself, its adorable! I kind of altered the pattern a bit. The link for the original pattern is in my Grumpasaurus post. I will try very hard to post pictures. Music has been my life right now, and knitting on the busrides has been very handy to me. I also managed to get Principals List this past first nine weeks YAY! I will pledge to blog more!

- An Extremely Marching-Exhausted Knitter Girl

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My New Blog

My new blog! Yay! It's more about me, my life and my friends. Here is the link:

Check it out!

- KG =)


I'm so sorry its been forevers. I can't find my camera cord anywhere. No idea where its at, at all... Still working on dinosaur for Cassy. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been working really hard with music lately. It's found its way to my top priority. Will try to post pics some way. -
A Very Exhausted KG =l

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Skeins of Hope

Recently, some family friends came to visit. They live in the United States, but run a program that takes place in Kenya. They alternate living between the two. The program is called Hope Ministries. With the help of many, they were able to fund a school, a pump and a well, and a prayer center. But when they were visiting, we began to talk, and I said I knit. Well.... Eventually it led into the creation of: PROJECT SKEINS OF HOPE. Skeins of Hope is a project that will take place now to the begginning of December. The whole idea behind it is too knit as many child and infant hats as my group can until than. They asked that the child hats have earflaps and an i-chord attached to it to keep the ears warm, and so they can tie the i-chords together to keep them on. I am soo excited an cannot wait to buy yarn =) Please give my feedback (Anna) on what you think! - KG =)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Thing Down, A Billion More To Go

Oh where, oh where, could my camera cord be? Oh where, oh where could it be??? I don't know, I've looked everywhere for it twice!!!! I finished the body to my grumpasaurus, and I sewed the eyes, mouth and tail on! It is sooo darn cute! I am trying to post pictures, but I can't find my camera cord anywheres, and its driving me bananas. I'm so sorry, I will post pics as soon as I find that darn cord.... - A Very Annoyed KG

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I've been really grateful to finish my grumpasaurus, and I couldnt have done it with out the help of some really awesome people. A special shout out goes to the Yarn Club, ran by my best friend's family. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! If it weren't for yarn club, I would be lost. You guys rock! I love going and getting to knit with you. The future looks bright with many, many more projects ahead - KG =)

Miniscule Update =D

If you noticed..... I changed the name of my blog! As I posted in my "Halfway There" post, I said that the power was out for a long time due to a really damaging but unexpected thunder storm. I got so bored living in the stone ages, that I began to think. Knitters Works is a boring name, so I changed it to diamonds & purls. You know, like pearls, but not. The same but its different =D Please comment and let me know what you think! YOU ROCK! - KG =D


As you lovely blog followers know, I have been knitting the grumpasaurus. Well....... *drumroll* I COMPLETED HIS BODY!!! YAY!!! Yep, its true!!!! I now start on his tail! Soon (hopefully very soon) I will have it done!!!! Sorry I havent posted pictures, my powers been out for like three days, and I kind of forgot. But I promise I will be posting some very soon! - KG =)

Friday, July 23, 2010


My BFF, Anna, A.K.A Knitting Girl, has some totally awesome blogs that you should definetly check out. I put her knitting chronicles link in the Welcome to My Blog post, but I will put it here again. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have a blog right now!!! YOU ROCK! For those of us who are Yo gabba gabba fans (which admit it, you know you are) she has a really awesome blog about it! I will be posting the links to her blogs at the bottom! I wanted to say thanks Anna, and you're the best!!!

Yo Gabba Gabba Blog:

Knitting Chronicles Blog:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stitch Markers & Stuff

Just wanted to show you my awesome stitch marker my friend is letting me use. I got bored........ His name is Tim :))) I absolutely love sock monkies :))


I recently added that I was working on a new project, the Grumpasaurus. I will be knitting him with orchid and dark orchid red heart yarn. I started him and here are some pictures of how far I got. The little square thingy is supposed to be the top of his head!!! Yay, I am so excited to start this project!

Hudson Hat Pictures

Here are some pictures of my Hudson hat, I finally got my camera to work. Sorry about the bad lighting :) Here is the link to the hat my friend made, check it out!!!! :))

My Hudson Hat Pattern

My first ever knitting project is a hudson hat. I have to admit it did take me like six months to knit it but I finally got it done a few weeks ago. I will be posting pictures of it soon. Here is the link to the pattern I used In all honesty, I think I made mine a smidge too long, but I still think it looks ok :))

My New Project!!!

I am taking on a new project! It's called a grumpasaurus, but I want mine to be happy!!! Here is the link: He's going to be purple instead of green, but I am soo excited! I will be posting play by play pictures of him while I knit!!!

Welcome To My Blog

Hi I'm Knitter Girl, and welcome to my blog :)) I will be blogging about my knitting projects. Note: I'm still a beginner so it will take me a long time to complete. My best friends and I take knitting classes together. Be sure to check out one of their awesome blogs, feel free to comment and check it out!!